Parks Department
The City of Lonoke has several areas of town that are under the control of the Parks Department. They include the “City Park” located in the 400 block of South Center Street, “Waggoner Park” located in the 500 Block of Barnes Street, a lighted walking trail that extends from the caboose on Hwy 89 east to the ball park, and the Lonoke Ball Park. Baseball and Softball programs for all ages are offered each spring. Baseball, Softball and Soccer are offered each fall.
Mosquito Control
Mosquito Control is a service provided to the citizens of Lonoke that is under the the control of the Parks Department for the abatement of mosquitoes. While there is no way to completely get rid of mosquitoes, research has shown that spraying does help to lessen the population and to help prevent the spread of diseases. Mosquito spraying normally begins about Memorial Day and continues through the middle to end of October. These dates could vary depending on the amount of rainfall collected and temperature.
Evan Jacobs parks director
Contact Info
C: 501-266-0021
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