Public Works Department

Robert Sullivan
Water & Sewer Department Director

Water Department

The Lonoke Water Department handles all aspects of water and sewer service within the City of Lonoke. This includes treating the water that is pumped from our wells to make it safe for consumption, as well as treating the sewer taken into our sewer treatment plan to make it safe to return to the environment and repairing any of the lines that are tied to these two services. If you have questions regarding your service or local billing contact the Water Office.


Contact Info for water office:


Hours & Contact Info

Water / Billing Office

Monday – Friday:  8:00 – 4:30
O: 501-676-6658

F: 501-676-4318

Mailing Address

107 West Second Street
Lonoke, AR 72086

Lonoke City Shop

Physical Address

1219 Barnes Street
Lonoke, AR 72086

Monday-Friday: 7:30-4:30

Nights & Weekends: 501-676-6953


Water & Waste Water Department:

Service Line Warranties of America

Street Department

The City of Lonoke Street Department works diligently to manage and maintain all city properties, streets and right-of-ways and keep them free from hazards. They also handle all pick-ups/drop offs during any scheduled Spring and/or Fall Clean-up.

Leaf Pick-up
Effective on 3/31/2025, Phillips Auction & Salvage will begin the Leaf and Limb pickup for the City of Lonoke. The actual pickup days will change for some citizens as they will pickup on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of each week. (A new pickup schedule/map is located on this page.) This service is provided once a week to all citizens that are on the city’s water service. Your leaves and limbs will be picked up at the front of the property. If an individual/company is hired to cut your limbs/trees, they are responsible for removing them from your property.

Call City Shop for Solid Waste Curbside Pick-up requests. A fee is charged for this service.
No charge for picking up scrap metal.

Only normal household items are authorized for disposal.

Absolutely no commercial or industrial waste and no hazardous materials of any kind (i.e. paints, petroleum fuels, flammable liquids, corrosives, batteries, tires, explosives, or compressed gasses.)

The only exception to putting items other than leaf & limbs on the front of the property is during a scheduled spring or fall clean up.

Sanitation Service: Green Environmental Services

1)  BASE RATES: $13.82/month; includes the rental of a 96-gallon trash can for once/wk service and the rental of an 18-gal. recyclable bin serviced twice/mo. A second trash can may be requested through the water department at the additional rate of $6/mo. A second recyclable bin may be requested through the water department at no additional charge.

2)  PICK-UP DAYS: Green Environmental will collect trash over a period of three days. A sticker will be placed on each trash can notifying residents of their respective day.

3)  CARTS: Cans may be used starting Jan 4, 2021. Crews will service each container on its scheduled service day and then return the container to its original point of origin neatly, with the lid closed ensuring that the container does not interfere with traffic, does not block the mailbox, nor in the middle of the driveway.

4)  PICK-UP RESTRICTIONS: Green Environmental recommends ALL trash be placed in a bag and deposited within the trash can. They will collect all trash placed in the given containers, plus two (2) bags per collection, once a week. If excess garbage becomes a routine issue, the resident may be required to purchase an additional cart in order to receive full service. Dead animals less than 5lbs will be accepted if double bagged and placed in trash can. Commercial Materials will not be collected.

5)  HOLIDAYS: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day are considered holidays. Should a holiday fall on your service day you can expect your trash to be collected on the weekday immediately following the holiday. Ex. If Christmas falls on a Thursday, trash will be collected on Friday. If Christmas falls on Friday, trash will be collected the following Monday.

6)  RECYCABLE MATERIALS: Plastic Drinking Bottles #1 & #2, Plastic Jugs (Milk & Water), Aluminum Cans, Steel Cans, Cardboard, Newspaper, and White paper

City of Lonoke Recycle Schedule is the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.


Contact No. 501-288-8346

Green Environmental Services Website

Hours & Contact Info

Monday-Friday 7:30 am-4:30 pm

Mailing Address
107 West Second Street
Lonoke, AR 72086

Physical Address
1219 Barnes
Lonoke, AR 72086

O: 501-676-2422
O: 501-676-4370
F: 501-676-4375

Nights & Weekends: 501-676-6953


Entergy has a long history of support for the community, and we believe that reinvesting in the communities where we live and work will enhance the vitality and quality of life in those areas that are, in large part, responsible for our success. We recognize the importance of turning good intentions into positive action. It's not only good business. It is also simply the right thing to do. After all, we live here too, and our customers are our neighbors.

Entergy has served Arkansas customers for more than 100 years. We serve approximately 715,000* customers in 63 counties. Entergy companies have approximately 3,500 employees in Arkansas. Approximately 1,400 Entergy retirees live in Arkansas.

Hours & Contact Info

Open Monday-Frdiay 8:00am-5:00pm excluding holidays

Customer service: 1-800-368-3749

Report an emergency: 1-800-968-8243

Report an outage/check status of outage: